Ever pine disinfectant, gallon, item #0418

Ever pine disinfectant, gallon, item #0418

Regular price $25.41 $0.00 Unit price per

Stock: 53

Ever-pine meets the EPA criteria for use against SARS-COV-2 that causes COVID-19 when used in accordance with the directions and preparation for use against human coronavirus

Disinfectant, cleaner, mildewstat, fungicide, virucide, deodorizer for hospitals, nursing homes, hotels & motels, commercial, institutional, industrial sites, schools, dairy, veterinary clinics, restaurants, food handling and processing areas. Effective in hard water up to 400 ppm hardness calculated as ca co3 in the presence of 5% soil. Meets OSHA blood-borne pathogen standard for HIV, HBV and HCV. 

Fresh pine scent. Buy by the each or case of 4.


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